A boring website? Do you know how to fix it up?

The majority of the websites are crafted by developers. Since it is the developers’ profession, they keep making websites on a spree! They may get monotonous as the work is routine to them. When it is their everyday job, it may be possible that they curate routine websites for us too. When we make such sites operational, the response may be the same unless we fill it up with some exciting content and keep changing it every now and then. If we create our own websites, we can make our site stand out. However, we need to be extremely creative to create such a website. So, the majority of websites on the market may have similar attributes and over a period of time, they turn into boring websites.

Which is a boring website?

It is no exaggeration that there are millions of websites on the web today but not every site is penetrating. Exciting websites are on a very lesser percentage. If you have a website that is driving lesser traffic through your products and services that are reasonably good in the market, probably your website needs a makeover!! Let us find a few steps on fixing a boring site!! “You can also click here now to find a list of design agencies that can help you create an attractive website.”

Ambiance rules the market:

The themes and templates used on the site may be lacking the enthusiasm to drive enough traffic. You may want to visit a beautifully decorated mall in comparison to a clumsy shop. Similarly, the site’s ambiance matters! It is not important whether your neighbor likes your site’s design or not. Your clients should like it. Pick up exciting themes and fill them with crisp content. There are interesting plugins such as WP Shapes to organize your content encompassing the pictures on your website.

WP - Shapes wraps the inline content around the image to make it look appealing on site.
Wraps the inline content around the image

Content matters:

When we say crisp content, how can we ignore the content ideas of the site? Long-running contents are often ignored. Who has time to read legions of words paltered? Content should make sense and keep it precise. Go, out of the way every now and then! That is post stuff that is different from what you sell or endorse. However, make sure the out-of-the-way content indirectly relates to your products. Ex: If you have a real estate site, post an article that says ‘Change the ambiance of your living room with these simple tricks’!

Be available to your clients:

Be it a genuine query or a funny message! Make sure you are answering it. To increase engagement, install WhatsApp plugins such as CLICK TO CHAT or CLICK through which you can use WhatsApp as the medium of interaction with your customers. Yes! These plugins sport a WhatsApp icon on your site and when a customer clicks on the icon, they can get into a chat with you or your representatives.

Update the blog section regularly:

Imagine a situation when you visit a site and its top blog post is posted a couple of years ago. This definitely means ‘irresponsibility’ to your client. As per experts, a thumb rule to get definite results is keeping the blog section updated. It increases engagement apparently.

Fonts make a difference:

It’s not necessary to go for artistic fonts which are at times hard to understand. Legibility is important. A Calibri or Times New Roman may do the job instead of MV Boli. Informative stuff ranks top! That’s right! Let ‘call to actions explain’ the tabs and buttons and half of your job is done.

All these elements may get that x-factor to your site. Not just these but have a creative approach to think out of the box to fetch your site a magical touch. You never know what works for you. But Google Analytics doesn’t ignore the events and their generated numbers. It’s important to understand what works for your site! Keep going and don’t forget to share with us what worked for your site in fixing up its boredom!!

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