Identity crisis is always an integral part of all living organisms. Both in human and animal kinds, the biggest battles ever fought are to establish an identity’. Acquiring online market share is not less than a battle for start-up owners these days. Gaining a reputed online presence is the biggest task for any website. When it is said that it is a big task, let’s dive into the concept to touch the deepest points to catch the market pulse.
What exactly is online presence?
The quantum of events generated in order to create a brand reputation and the engagements those events have established can be termed as online identity. Many may wonder the effort one has to put in just to get a virtual presence noticed. But if we come to know about the struggle stories of the young entrepreneurs, we can understand the importance of carving a niche in the digital space. There are millions of websites on the web platform. The process of making your website stand out from the lot is called marking an online presence.
What are the pre-requisites of online presence?
A unique domain name and a space to showcase your web business that is hosting are the mandatory things for starting up a web firm. However, starting is not enough as you have to feed the online identity crisis right from the firm’s inception. Concoctions of strategies are to be picked up wisely to catch the pulse of virtual businesses. But mind you, they are never the same for every organization. They keep changing with products and services and the attributes of the market.
Is there a particular strategy for marking online significance?
Creating a buzz on the web is a key to successful start-ups and there are no standard operating procedures, unfortunately. When we analyze the concept of paid marketing vs organic marketing, the later one is sustainable whereas the former is result-oriented. ‘Good products and services attract reputation anyway’ is the wrong mantra on web markets. Marketing is quintessential irrespective of how amazing or idiotic your stuff is.
How far does SEO help attain a reputed online presence?
The main objective of search engine optimization is to drive traffic to your web business by ranking high on the SERPs. If your website’s content is SEO optimized, the site may get quality leads that enhance your brand recognition. A good SEO in place enables your business to attain the credibility it requires to protect your identity online.
Handling social media accounts, writing guest posts, commenting on blogs and answering queries that come across your posts and many other things are inclusive of this virtual game. Let’s get into identifying the core requisites to set the SEO in place!
Update the blog frequently:
Every website has a blog section. The website visitors may try to find the blog as it is the most important part of any site. The latest articles posted there can be listed on the home page too to grab some eyeballs. Generally, blog content is not the hardcore product stuff but is generally semantic. EX: A real estate website may write about “How to change the look of your living room”. The topic is related to home but real estate is a different subject altogether.
User-centric content:
Google rewards content that adds value to the users’ search and not the attempt of framing keywords to attract search engines. Despite not being stuffed with keywords, some articles rank high as they have useful information the reader is looking for. This is irrespective of high searches on the web.
Social media presence:
As stated earlier, an online presence is all about creating a buzz. You can acquire multiple online identities yet being one account by being active on social media. Face book, twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, WhatsApp chat, etc. can drive amazing traffic to your website. Whatsapp plugins can add chat connectivity to your websites. People spend whopping time on their social media accounts and it has to be exploited to mark the web identity.
Be Mobile-friendly:
Every one of us knows that mobile phones are ruling the world. The cell phone market growth propelled in the last decade to unexpected percentiles! People visit a website often when it is mobile friendly. Access through desktop only can put havoc on its credibility.
Paid marketing works:
At times, paid promotions become inevitable but they fetch great results by ranking high. Converting the leads may increase sales. It does not mean that paid promotions fuel sales but they definitely fuel the possibilities of sales. It depends on human intelligence to convert the leads to sales.
There is no big difference when it comes to virtual identity vs actual identity. It takes valuable time to build a sustainable presence online and can’t be done in a week or a year. One has to put sheer hard work, strategy, and analysis to bring the clients on a site. From marking a presence, you will slowly reach a place where you have to work against online identity theft. Paid promotions may create a buzz but the products and services should, in turn, convert them to sales. A good support should enhance sustainability by building trust factor across the clients and this is the ultimate presence.