Live Chat for Chatfuel

Live Chat for Chatfuel allows your users to start the conversation with your page admin using your Facebook bot.

Create Live Chat

Add a card with “Live Chat” plugin.

Start Message: When the user wants to start the chat session with the human team, this block acts as an interface between the bot manager and the user.
Both the bot manager and user can stop the chat at any time, this chatbot will not answer user request while this chat is stopped. 
To stop the chat, click on the “Stop Chat” button.

Stop Message: This message is shown when the bot manager or user clicks on the “Stop Chat” button.

Chat Timeout: When the user starts the chat and does not stop it by themselves, the bot will wait for some time until the user responds.
Later the time runs out it automatically stop the chat session and the next user’s input will be recognized by the AI.

Check on “Receive notification in admin’s messenger when a new chat session is started” to receive the notification when the new chat session is started.

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