combination of WhatsApp logo and a text message – Chip style
To change the Predefined Style for Desktop, Mobile Devices.
From plugin settings (Click), Change values for “Style for Desktop”, “Style for Mobile Devices”.
This plugin Detects the device based on HTTP User Agent.
Select “Predefined Style-6“
Click on “Save Changes“
To Change the values of the Predefined Style-6,
Click -> Predefined Styles -> Style 6
Text: To Change the text.
Text Color: Choose a color of the text.
Background Color: To change the
Image URL: If this field is left blank, a default image will be added.
To change the image, add the image URL in this field.
CSS Code: By changing the CSS values we can customize the styles, change only if you know CSS coding.
While modifying if any value is misplaced, to get the default code, leave this field blank and save changes. Then the field will be replaced with default CSS code.