By default this plugin Detects the device based on HTTP User Agent. ( Android, IOS .. )
If the user agent is Android, IOS or similar identify as mobile device otherwise Desktop.
Navigation ( WhatsApp mobile App, browser )
The plugin Navigation Links will create based on this “Device Detect” option ( WhatsApp Web page or WhatsApp mobile App )
In case cache plugins are installed, and if that cache plugin is not creating cache pages based on device type, then in both mobile, desktop navigates to WhatsApp mobile app or Web page only in both devices types. Its based on where the pages first time loads
To fix this issue, change the “detect device” to “Screen size” and adjust the max screen width of a mobile device
now the navigation will update based on “screen size”
There is other way to fix cache issue, By tick the “App First” option.
Selecting Styles
For selecting styles for Desktop, Mobile devices, this plugin always detect device based on HTTP User Agent.
In case cache plugins are installed, and if that cache plugin is not creating cache pages based on device type, then only one style will load on both mobile, desktop. i.e cache plugins creates cache pages where the pages first time loads, mobile or desktop. in this case its better to choose only one style with matches on all device types Hide on Mobile device, desktop also