Since Version 1.3, can add pre-filled text from plugin settings.
( its a build in feature, so no need to modify code )
This is reply to a message –
Just added a temporary solution –
based on your message, i can understand you are capable to edit the code.
From Dashboard -> plugins -> Editor –
Select ‘Click to Chat for WhatsApp’ plugin
edit ‘styles.php’ ( located at ‘inc’ -> ‘commons’ -> ‘styles.php’ )
edit line number – 38, 48
edit line – 38
$redirect_a = "$num";
$redirect_a = "$num&text=ADD-YOUR-MESSAGE-HERE";
and line – 48
$redirect_a = "$num";
$redirect_a = "$num&text=ADD-YOUR-MESSAGE-HERE";
please note:
when you update the plugin, all this settings may lost,
please use this as a temporary solution.
we like to add ‘pre-filled message’ feature in next version.
Thank you