= 4.18 =
- Fix: Resolved an issue where the Style-5 profile image was displaying above the greetings dialog on mobile devices.
- Fix: Corrected the border alignment in Style-5.
- Enhancement: Admin Demo for better usability
= 4.17 =
- Fix: Display Widget as an Add to Cart like button is not working on the WooCommerce single product page, Archive list.
= 4.16 =
- Added ‘Alt’ attribute value for greetings header image
- Fix: Style-7, Style-7 Extend hover effects not working.
= 4.15 =
- Fix: Page-level settings not working properly.
- Fix: Alignment issues at admin setting pages
= 4.14 =
- Enhancement: Show or hide the admin demo.
= 4.13 =
- Fix: Alignment issues at admin setting pages
= 4.12.1 =
- Fix: Hover effects for Style-7 Extend
- Fix: Dual lines issue for Style-8 with large call to action text
= 4.12 =
- Fix: Custom CSS Code block not allowing quotes at front end
= 4.11 =
- New: Custom CSS Code block
= 4.10 =
- Fix: Page level display settings for WooCommerce single product page
= 4.9 =
- Fix: Display based on device not working as expected on iPad Pro
= 4.8 =
- Enhancement: Admin interface.
= 4.7 =
- Fix: Archive pages getting other page-level settings.
= 4.6 =
- Enchancement: WhatsApp Number input field.
= 4.5 =
- Enhancement: Analytics. Get the correct number attached to the Widget. (floating widget, shortcodes, pro: Random number, Multi-Agent)
= 4.4 =
- Fix: Get the updated URL with query parameters for the pre-filled message variable [url].
- Page-level settings have a higher prevalence than the string translations of multilingual plugins.
= 4.3 =
- Shorcodes now works with URL settings – new tab, same tab, popup.
- PRO: NEW: Display based on website visitor’s country.
= 4.2 =
- Fix: set different widgets for mobile and desktop cache issue.
= 4.1 =
- Enhancement: Admin settings WhatsApp number input filed with country code search option.
- Enchancement: Google Analytics event tracking.
= 4.0 =
- Enhancement: Greeting Chat window auto closes after user click to chat.
- Fix: sanitize shortcode attribute values.
- Fix: Opt-in message not able to consent for the first click.
- Enhancement: Greeting dialog close button margin increases for better visibility.
= 3.35 =
- Enhancement: Greetings Dialog Close button now with in the content box.
- New: Preset option for Greetings dialog inital stage. opens by default on desktop and closes on mobile.
- Fix: Greetings header online status badge for RTL Pages.
= 3.34 =
- NEW: Profile picture at the Greetings Dialog header
- NEW: online/offline status badge at Greetings Header Image
- PRO: online/offline status badge color based on business hours
- Enhancement: Select style interface updated
= 3.33 =
- Fix: Greetings Dialog with animations not showing properly
= 3.32 =
- Enhancement: Admin demo preview
- Fix: Demo Notification badge border color not updating
= 3.31.1 =
- Enhancement: Analytics Section
= 3.31 =
- New: Settings to update event name and parameters for Google Analytics and Meta Pixel.
= 3.30.1 =
- Enhancement: Admin Live Preview
= 3.30 =
- Admin live preview on changes of number, call to action, styles, customization of styles, animations, notification badge.
= 3.29.4 =
- Fix: Greetings Dialog position, if mobile and desktop have different positions
= 3.29.3 =
- Fix: undefined function santize_textarea_field
= 3.29.2 =
- Improvement: Performance – click to chat admin pages
= 3.29.1 =
- Fix: Admin settings page number not saving
= 3.29 =
- Increased Greetings Dialogs max height. If it overflows, the main content alone will scroll
- Enhancement: Admin interface
= 3.28 =
- Greetings dialogs size – settings to set full width for mobile devices
- Enhancement: Admin interface
= 3.27.2 =
- Fix: Call to Action not showing properly.
= 3.27.1 =
- Fix: Greetings dialogs blur at border
= 3.27 =
- Fix: Browser compatibility issue
- Enhancement: Greetings dialog-1
- Enhancement: Admin interface
= 3.26 =
- New: Notification badge
= 3.25 =
- Fix: Greeting-1 if main content is not added.
- Enhancement: Admin content, links.
- tested upto: 6.2
= 3.24 =
- Enhancement: Webhooks
= 3.23 =
- URL Structure(web WhatsApp) is moved to ‘Click to Chat’ main settings page
- Fix: style 3 shortcode image height and width both not added. Thank you Heliflieger for reporting the issue.
- Fix: number not saving. conflict issue.
= 3.22 =
- Webhook data can share in JSON or String (stringify JSON) format
= 3.21 =
- Hide Chat widget While editing the page using page builders
- Fix: intlinput function not defined.
= 3.20 =
- Enhancement: AMP Compatibility
= 3.19 =
- Enhancement: Greetings
- Fix: prefilled message if % sign is added
- Fix: themes styles conflict with svg images
= 3.18.1 =
- Enhancement: Shortcodes
= 3.18 =
- Enhancement: Greetings Actions
- Add class name ‘ctc_greetings’ or ‘ctc_greetings_now’ to any element to display greetings dialog on click.
- PRO: Add class name ‘ctc_greetings_now’ to any element to display greetings dialog when element reached viewport.
= 3.17.1 =
- Fix: TypeError
= 3.17 =
- Fix: TypeError
= 3.16 =
- Enhancement: Shortcodes
- PRO: Greetings Multi Agent
= 3.15 =
- Fix: Style-7 Extend – shortcode – fontsize settings
- Fix: prefilled message with special characters
= 3.14 =
- Enhancement: Sortable items with handler
- Analytics count – track all clicks or one click per session
= 3.13 =
- Fix: svg icon not displaying properly while using some cache plugins
= 3.12.2 =
- Enhancement: Greetings settings
- WhatsApp popup window width updated to display qr code in initial viewport
= 3.12.1 =
- WhatsApp popup window dimensions adjusted for better appearance
- Enhancement: compatibility with amp plugin
= 3.12 =
- New: URL Open Target window – New, Same, popup.
- URL structure for desktop: wa.me, web.whatsapp
- URL structure for mobile: wa.me, WhatsApp://
- Web WhatsApp settings moved to other settings page with Enhancements.
= 3.11 =
- Enhancement: added hooks for developers to create Extenstions
- Updated Admin settings page content
= 3.10 =
- More position to Add WhatsApp at WooCommerce Single product pages
= 3.9.11 =
- Fix: compatibility issues
= 3.9.10 =
- Fix: uncaught error at Greetings page
= 3.9.9 =
- Enhancement: opt-in, greetings features
= 3.9.8 =
- Enhancement: Admin Greetings page
= 3.9.7 =
- New: opt-in – user consent before initiate the chat
- Enhancement: Greetings Text Editor, can add background color to text.
= 3.9.6 =
- Enhancement: click to chat admin page for WooCommerce
= 3.9.5 =
- Fix: display settings for custom post types
= 3.9.4 =
- Enhancement: Webhooks, greetings, admin interface.
= 3.9.3 =
- Enhancement: Greetings feature
- Open Greetings dialog:
- Click on any element which contains Class /Id name: ‘ctc_greetings’
- When an element is in viewport(25% margin) which contains Class name: ‘ctc_greetings_now’ [PRO]
= 3.9.2 =
- Enchantment: Greetings feature
= 3.9.1 =
- Enchantment: Greetings feature
= 3.9 =
- New: Greetings Dialogs
- Greetings 1: Customizable Design
- Greetings 2: Content Specific
= 3.8.1 =
- Enchantment: Pre-filled message, Call to Action settings
= 3.8 =
- Enchantment: Style-1 button with icon.
- Enchantment: WhatsApp at WooCommerce Shop, single product pages
= 3.7.1 =
- Fix: Variables for WooCommerce
= 3.7 =
- Enchantment: Admin settings
- Enchantment: Add your own image style.
- update z-index now for chat, group, share features
= 3.6 =
- Enchantment: settings pages
= 3.5.3 =
- New: Display settings for WooCommerce Thank you page
- Fix: Display based on Category settings not found issue
= 3.5.2 =
- New: z-Index settings
- Enchantment: Admin settings.
= 3.5.1 =
- Fix: Customize styles settings not saving
= 3.5 =
- New: Add Styles at WooCommerce Shop page. (Products Archive)
- Enchantment: Style-7 font size settings.
- Enchantment: Custom Element (convert any element to navigate to WhatsApp Chat)
= 3.4 =
- New: Add Styles with in WooCommerce Product pages
= 3.3.11 =
- Fix: Dynamic Variables on archive pages getting the last value.
- Enchantment: Add own image Style
= 3.3.10 =
- Enchantment: Number field, added helper text
- Enchantment: Position Type
= 3.3.9 =
- Introducing PRO Version
- Enchantment: variable for prefilled, call to action for WooCommerce pages at page level settings
= 3.3.8 =
- Fix: syntax error while updating the plugin.
= 3.3.7 =
- Enchantment: Webhook feature
- Fix: admin menu icon issue
= 3.3.6 =
- Enchantment: Customize styles settings
= 3.3.5 =
- New: aria-hidden attribute settings for Accessibility API
- Enchantment: Call to Action, Pre-filled Message (supports emojis)
- Enchantment: User Interface
- Show effect is now called as Entery effects
= 3.3.4 =
- Display Settings for WooCommerce Cart, Checkout, Account, Shop page
- Enchantment: WhatsApp Number field
= 3.3.3 =
- User Interface: Display settings
- New: Display settings for custom post types
- User Interface: same_settings for mobile, desktop
- User Interface: WooCommerce related settings now in seperate page
= 3.3.2 =
- Enchantment: Google Analytics
- Enchantment: Web WhatsApp
- code: php echo shorthand
= 3.3.1 =
- New: Webhooks
- Enchantment: position to place settings
= 3.3 =
- New: Custom Element/Design, Create an element/design and add
- Class name: ctc_chat (or)
- ID name: ctc_chat (or)
- Href/link attribute: #ctc_chat
= 3.2.9 =
- Performance Improvement
- Fix: WooCommerce Prefilled Message Muliple lines
- Removed recommended tools page
= 3.2.8 =
- Google Ads – If enabled, calls gtag_report_conversion.
- Enhancement: User Interface
= 3.2.7 =
- Enhancement: WhatsApp Number field. (country code and Number)
- Enhancement: Change Settings at page level. (Click to Chat – Meta box)
= 3.2.6 =
- Enhancement: AMP Compatibility
- Fix: Shortcode prefilled, call to action for WooCommerce single product pages
- Updated: dashicons
= 3.2.5 =
- Show/Hide settings at page level
- Fix: Shortcode navigation, if loaded dynamically.
= 3.2.4 =
- AMP Compatibility – 1st version
- Updated: Positions to place
- Fix: Shortcode hover color effects
= 3.2.3 =
- Updated Show/Hide settings
- Fix: Style-7 Background-color on hover issue
= 3.2.2 =
- Font size settings for Call to Action – Style 2, 3, 3 Extend.
- Fix: Facebook Pixel integration for Shortcodes
= 3.2.1 =
- Updated Share feature variable {url} on loop pages
- Fix: Shortcode click action,
= 3.2 =
- prefilled message at page level
- Style-1 customize text and background color
- Updated User Interface
= 3.1 =
- Updated: Full Width Style-1, Style-8 for mobile.
- Add Animation Delay, Animation Iteration
- New Animations – heartBeat, flip
- Shortcode style-5 new attributes – s5_img_url, s5_line_2
- Fix: Group ID Page level settings
- RTL Compatible for Styles.
- Updated Admin User Interface
= 3.0.4 =
- Style-1, Style-8 Full width option for Mobile, Desktop
- bug fixes
= 3.0.3 =
- Updated Animations
- Fixed: {url} variable at WooCommerce Pre-filled message.
= 3.0 =
- Call to Action for Style-2, 3, 7.
- New ‘Style-7 Extend’.
- Style-3 is now Style-3, ‘Style-3 Extend’.
- Improved Style-7, Style-8.
- Animations
- New Variable for prefilled message. [url] – replaces with full url including parameters.
- Updated User Interface
= 2.12.1 =
- Fix: Style-4 img position issue.
- Updated: admin page
= 2.12 =
- Localization – compatibile with WPML, Polylang.
- WhatsApp Number
- Call to Action
- Pre-filled Message
= 2.11 =
- User Interface: Desktop, Mobile settings
- Updated: Style-3, extended Settings
- Updated: Style-4 Emebed default svg image, Image size, position
- Updated: Style-8
= 2.10.2 =
- performance improvement
- Fixed minor issues
= 2.10.1 =
- Updated: Position to Place
= 2.10 =
- New: position for mobile (now can set different positions for mobile, desktop)
- Improved User Interface, Performance
- Admin side changes
- Enable/disable Group, Share feature options swifted to “Customize” -> “Other Settings”
- “Customize Styles” menu renamed as “Customize”
= 2.9.2 =
- Improved User Interface, Performance
- Updated: Change values at page level settings
= 2.9.1 =
- Option to set delete settings when plugin uninstalls
- Updated: WooCommerce related features
- Updated: if number blank
- Added a fallback call_to_action for some styles
= 2.9 =
- Introduction WooCommerce related features
- ‘Pre-filled message’ for single product pages
with variables {product}, {price}, {regular_price}, {sku} - ‘Call to Action’ for single product pages
- ‘Pre-filled message’ for single product pages
- Admin notice – if WhatsApp number not added.
- Updated Style-4
= 2.8.5 =
- Style-2, Style-3 Improved.
- Updated: Show/Hide Settings
- Updated: Hide based on device (Mobile, Desktop)
- Updated: Customize Styles
- Updated: Style-5
- Updated: Style-7
- Fix: ‘&’ symbol at prefilled message
- Fix: Style-1 if no Call to Action
= 2.8.4 =
- Updated: WhatsApp number at page level settings
- Updated: Display Styles after WhatsApp Number is added.
- Updated: Shortcode number attribute
= 2.8.3 =
- Fix: Cache issue – Hide based on device – now detects based on screen size
= 2.8.2 =
- Display Styles after WhatsApp Number is added.
- Default sytles changed.
= 2.8.1 =
- Fix: Color picker conflict
= 2.8 =
- Hide based on device – now detects based on screen size
- Facebook Pixel
- Google Analytics values udpated
= 2.7 =
- Fix: position to place suffix
- Default image for style-99
= 2.6 =
- Pre-filled message:
- Now can add multiple lines.
- new variable {site}
- Fix: Shortcode Style-5 click, full width issue
- style-8 more customize options
= 2.5 =
- Share feature: Web version
- Fix: number filed issues
= 2.4 =
- Detect device based on screen size for link generate
- Fix: + sign issues for ios
- FB analytics using js sdk deprecated
= 2.3 =
- Analytics for gtm
- Fix: font conflict issue
- improved styles
= 2.2 =
- Simplified admin pages
- Performance improvement
= 2.1 =
- New interface – docs
= 2.0 =
- New interface
= 1.7.2 =
- Style-8 shortcode issue fixed
= 1.7.1 =
- Style-8 simplified
= 1.7 =
- Improved plugin performance
- Style-4 simplified
- Style-1 – default theme button
- Fixed some issues
= 1.6 =
- Google Analytics
- Facebook Analytics
= silent release =
- App First option to fix cache issue
- shortcodes new attribute
= 1.5 =
- Initial message – {{url}} placeholder
- new style – Add own Image
- Hide Style based on Device in shotcodes
= 1.4 =
- New style-9, Green Square
- Supports Analytics – using google tag manager
- animations – alpha version
- style-3 can choose .svg or .png image versions
- style-4 image size reduced, ~ 2kb
- performance improvement.
= 1.3 =
- can add pre-filled text
- style-1 – can change button text.
- setting page link added in plugins page
- show / hide is now changed to hide on – based on page types
= 1.2 =
- improved: code on how to detect mobile device.
- sticky save button in options page – easy to save.
- option page – Documentation links.
= 1.1 =
- convert plugin to bit of OOP style
= 1.0 =
- Initial release.