Display based on Website Visitor Login Status

PRO Feature

Displays a WhatsApp button/icon based on website visitor login status.

The website visitor’s Status can be any one of the following:

  • All users,
  • Logged-in users,
  • Logged-out users.

Navigate to Click to Chat -> Scroll down to Display Settings. At the end of display settings, Display based on User Login Status is situated.

1. All Users (Logged-in and not-Logged-in users): The WhatsApp button/icon is visible to All the users, i.e., both logged-in and not-logged-in users of the website.

2. Logged-in Users Only: This is the extended feature of PRO version 1.2.1. The WhatsApp button/icon is visible only to the users who log in to the website.

3. Logged-Out Users Only (not-logged-in): The WhatsApp button/icon is visible only to the users who don’t log in to the website. Visible only to logged-out users.