To use different greeting templates for each page or post, enable the ‘Page-Level Greetings’ settings, update the post, and then refresh the page to apply the changes.
Edit any post —> “Settings” —> “Click to Chat” —> “Greetings settings” —> “Enable page-level Greetings settings”
Once the ‘Greetings’ settings are enabled, the ‘Greetings Template’ dropdown and text editors will become available for customization.
Greetings Template:
Default: “Default” specifies the greetings selected at Click to Chat —> Greetings. i.e., the current page has the same greetings template that is chosen at Click to Chat —> Greetings.
No Greetings Dialog: No greetings template will be allotted to this page. The WhatsApp button along with the Call to Action appears in the post.
If any settings are left blank, the plugin will get values from the ‘click to chat’ settings.
Greetings – Header Content: This text editor is used to modify the content that appears at the Greetings Header.
Greetings – Main Content: To modify the text present in the Greetings body, use Main Content.
Greetings – Bottom Content: This text editor is used to modify the content present at the bottom of the Greetings template.
Visual Text Editor Issues:
In all the text editors, we can modify the content either visually or using HTML code. Click “Text” to add content using HTML code.
Click Toolbar Toggle for more text editor widgets.