How to install the Click to Chat PRO plugin and Activate the license key

The Click to Chat Pro plugin is an add-on to the Click to Chat main plugin. To run the PRO version, the Click to Chat main plugin must be activated.

  1. Download the purchased PRO plugin from the Holithemes shop.
  2. From the WordPress admin Dashboard navigate to Plugins -> Add New

3. Click on Upload Plugin.

4. Drag and drop/select the downloaded zip file from the Holithemes website and click on Install Now.

5. Click on Activate Plugin to activate the plugin.

Now the Click to Chat PRO Plugin is installed and activated.

Activating License Key

  1. After installing the PRO plugin, copy the License Key of the PRO plugin from the HoliThemes Shop.
  2. Go to the Click to Chat settings page right sidebar.
  1. Paste the copied License key in Click to Chat Software License.
  1. Click on Activate License.