Pre-Filled Message

The Pre-Filled message is a text that appears automatically in the WhatsApp chat Window when the page visitor clicks on the WhatsApp button/Image. 

We can add multiple lines in the Pre-Filled Message along with the variables. 

Pre-Filled Message
The pre-filled message at WhatsApp chat window

Along with the text, we can add variables like {URL}, {site} {title} 

  • {site} – Name of the website [e.g. HoliThemes]
  • {title} – The current page title [e.g. Ruby shades Necklace]
  • {url} – The current page link [e.g.]
  • [url] – url in square brackets – replaces with full URL including the query parameters


Hello {site}!
Like to know more information about - '{title}' - {url}

This Pre-Filled text will display in the WhatsApp chat window. Variables will be replaced based on the page where the user clicks on WhatsApp Icon/Button.

At the chat window, the variables are replaced with the below values.

Hello HoliThemes!
Like to know more information about - 'Ruby shades Necklace' -

WooCommerce variables

Click to Chat have some variables specific to WooCommerce pages like the Shop page, Single Product Pages, Cart page, Account page, and Checkout page.

  • {product} – Name of the Product
  • {price} – The discounted price of the Product
  • {regular_price} – Price of the Product/ Undiscounted price of the Product
  • {sku} – Stock left