Notification Badge

Enable the Notification Badge to grab the user’s attention.

Navigate to ‘Click to Chat’ —> ‘Other Settings’ – Notification Badge

Check “Add Notification Badge” to enable it.

Notification Count: Number to display at the notification badge.

Badge Background Color: Color of the notification badge.

Text Color: Color of the number, text inside the notification badge.

Add Border Color: Border color, which is around the notification badge. To get a curve shape, add the website’s background color to the notification badge border.

Badge Time Delay: Display the notification badge after given number of seconds

Note: The notification badge will display until the user clicks the WhatsApp icon to chat or displays the greetings dialog.

If the greetings dialog is enabled, set the greetings dialog initial stage to “close.”.

For testing purposes, check the webpage in browser incognito mode. (i.e. visit website as a new user.)