Business Hours – Online/Offline

PRO Feature

Utilize the Business Hours feature to display the WhatsApp widget during work hours and switch to offline mode when unavailable. This keeps your availability clear and minimizes distractions.

Based on the Business Hours

  • Change Display settings (Hide When Offline)
  • Change WhatsApp Number when Offline
  • Change Call to Action when Offline

Navigate to “Click to Chat” –> and scroll to “Business hours – Offline/Online”

Set Business Hours

Start Time and End Time leave blank for 24 hours display.

On the image, Monday to Friday 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM online, and the rest of the time is offline.
Saturday and Sunday are offline.

Now we can change the WhatsApp Number, Call to action, or hide the WhatsApp icon/button When offline.

Hide When Offline

If ‘Hide WhatsApp When Offine’ is checked, the WhatsApp button/icon won’t display when offline.

Change WhatsApp number when offline:

Instead of hiding the WhatsApp number when offline, we can change the WhatsApp number for Offline hours.

Uncheck “Hide when Offline” to add a WhatsApp number for offline hours.

From the image, during offline hours, i.e., Monday to Friday, 16:01 PM to 07:59 AM, and Saturday and Sunday, all 24 hours are offline hours.

Now, the default WhatsApp number works when online, and this offline number (+918123456789) works for offline hours.

Change Call to Action when offline:

We can set a separate Call to Action value for the Offline hours.

Uncheck “Hide when Offline” to add a Call to Action for offline hours.

Now, the Call to Action “We are Offline” displays along with the WhatsApp button during offline hours.