For any feature suggestions, please contact us These features are there on our to-do list. but please understand that there is no guarantee on the timeline. Click to Chat PRO: Next
For any feature suggestions, please contact us These features are there on our to-do list. but please understand that there is no guarantee on the timeline. Click to Chat PRO: Next
Release on May 25th. WhatsApp Number: Fixed the initial zeros of WhatsApp Number. When user enter zeroes at initial of number but the admin page will take only WhatsApp number. WooCommerce: Created separate settings for WooCommerce single-product page. Can Hide/Show for every single page.
Release on May 19th. Display Settings Instead of Checkbox’s now radio buttons are added for display settings. To avoid confusion, Show and Hide both options will appear now. It is very to select the options whatever you want. WooCommerce Page: Added WooCommerce single-product page separately in the Click to Chat Plugin. Make sure that WooCommerce Plugin must be in activate. We can
Custom Element Description: Create a post of own Element/Desing and add “ctc_chat” class name or add “#ctc_chat” as href/link attribute. It will navigate to WhatsApp Web based on plugin settings (WhatsApp Number, Pre-Filled message). We can add by using the href attribute while using the href attribute add “#ctc_chat” in an element/image. Then it navigates to WhatsApp Web. Class/ID name: “ctc_chat” To