Facebook Analytics helps us to know how people interact with your website by creating events.
Creates an event in Facebook analytics when the user clicks on the WhatsApp button/image
This feature is deprecated since version 2.4
In favor of Facebook Pixel since v2.8
The plugin does not install Facebook Analytics – Before Enable this feature, make sure to install Facebook analytics on your website using Facebook SDK for JavaScript
The plugin creates an event with pre-defined values:
Event Name -> Click to Chat for WhatsApp
Parameter 1 -> Name: Category, Value: Click to Chat for WhatsApp
Parameter 2 -> Name: Action, Value: Return Type: Chat
Parameter 3 -> Name: label, Value: {{post-title}} {{url}}
{{post-title}}, {{url}} are placeholders, will be replaced with the current post title and page URL where the action took place.
In Parameter 2 the action value will change based on the return type.
For Chat:Return Type: Chat
For Group:- Return Type: Group
For Share:- Return Type: Share