The purpose of shortcodes is to add the icon/button with inline the Posts content, and widgets.
Chat feature – Shortcode
By default, shortcodes use the values that are added in plugin settings, we can change the default values using shortcode attributes
To Change the WhatsApp number, use the “number” attribute
[ht-ctc-chat number=915123456789]
call to action
To change Call to Action, use the “call_to_action” Attribute
[ht-ctc-chat call_to_action="Chat with Us"]
To Change the pre-filled text, use the “pre_filled” Attribute
[ht-ctc-chat pre_filled="{{url}}, Hello"]
To Change Style, use the “style” Attribute
[ht-ctc-chat style=3]
For Extended styles like 3_1 and 7_1
[ht-ctc-chat style='7_1']
To change the position, use attribute position=fixed and choose the values(top, right, bottom, left) with the appropriate CSS values
[ht-ctc-chat style=2 position=fixed top=50px right=40px] [ht-ctc-chat style=5 position=fixed top=40% left=30%] [ht-ctc-chat style=1 position=fixed bottom=20% right=70px] [ht-ctc-chat style=6 position=fixed botttom=10px left=60px]
Hide Shortcode based on the device
To hide styles/icons based on the device used.
To hide on mobile:
[ht-ctc-chat hide_mobile=yes]
To hide on desktop:
[ht-ctc-chat hide_desktop=yes]
Call to Action for Shortcodes in Style-2, 3, 3 Extend, 7 – on hover will display as a title attribute. (As shortcodes are inline – call to action on hover can move the post content )
Click-to-Chat Styles
[ht-ctc-chat style=5]
[ht-ctc-chat style=8]
Shortcode Resources
Custom Element
Instead of using shortcodes, we can also create our own design and make it to navigate to WhatsApp by adding the class name ctc_chat
Custom element